Physician Leadership Library


Study: Virtual Doctor Visits Aren't Really Cost-Effective

Telemedicine might boost access to a physician, but it doesn't necessarily reduce health care spending.
  • By Ana B. Ibarra

In a Difficult Conversation, Listen More Than You Talk

3 things you can do to avoid communication breakdowns.
  • Emma Seppala and Jennifer Stevenson

Pharmacies Thrive Selling Opioids For Depressed Small Town Pain

Prescription crisis in perspective: A county of 21,000, and 2.2 million doses of hydrocodone.
  • Phil Galewitz

Resisting the Hard Sell

We’re seduced by clever ad campaigns, flashy presentations, big promises and more.
  • Kevin Evers

4 Considerations for Building a Strong Legacy

Pondering your influence? These strategies can help you turn your thoughts into reality.
  • Harvard Business Review

Money for Nothing: Financial Rewards Aren’t Effective for Physicians

Organizations thinking about paying for performance should know money can inhibit stronger motivators, such as autonomy, mastery and purpose.
  • Diane Shannon